Tag: summer (page 1 of 3)

A long weekend in Maine

So apparently a long weekend in Maine is a thing New Yorkers do in the summertime. I knew this, vaguely, from the five summers I’ve been here, but it really became clear this month. Once I was planning a trip to Maine, I started noticing other people were going there too – from NYC bloggers I follow to several of my coworkers.

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A glimpse of Maine

I’ve been back from Maine for a week and a half and it feels like much longer. I was only there for four days, but I can’t wait to go back. I want to share more with you about the trip, some of the places we went and things we did, but my bandwidth isn’t quite up to that yet. I’m recovering from this whirlwind of a summer — I would say “how is it almost September already?” but I basically said that last summer, too, so let me just leave you with one gorgeous image from Maine. My mom’s guidebook said that something like 80% of first-time visitors return to Maine, and I can see why. I can’t wait to go back. …did I say that already?

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Hot summer (garbage) days

First posted July 16, 2014

It was garbage day in my neighborhood and I thought something that I’ve thought every summer garbage day that I’ve lived in New York: This city is kind of gross.

Growing up in the suburbs, our garbage was always encased in those heavy-duty giant bins that we (well, my dad) rolled out to the curb on garbage day. Sometimes, if we had a lot of garbage that week, we might have a smaller plastic bin like the ones my landlord has. But as far as I remember, no one in the suburbs puts their trash out just in a bag.

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A Visit to the Elizabeth Street Garden

There’s a special place in SoHo that’s not quite like any other I’ve visited in the city. It even feels a little bit magical.

I’d walked by the Elizabeth Street Garden before and wondered what it was, but I’d never been inside till this spring, when a friend suggested an outing. It was a perfect day to be outside in NYC, and there aren’t that many green spaces in SoHo. That alone makes the Elizabeth Street Garden special – but there’s more to it than that!

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Quiet time, or taking a break

If you’ve noticed that things have been a little quiet around here this month, you’re not wrong! Between my college reunion at the end of May, a trip home, and a friend visiting, it’s been a busy month, and every time I think I’m caught up on life (and sleep!) it’s time for another fun but tiring something. That means that this week I’ve come straight home from work every single day and collapsed on the couch. The hot weather isn’t my favorite thing either, especially since I still need to put my AC in the window… But things are looking up, because I managed to drag myself to the gym once this week, which is more than I’ve done in a month!

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Central Park memories

I don’t spend a lot of time in Central Park. It’s far away, there are tons of tourists, and it’s not always possible to find a quiet spot to enjoy nature, since, like I said, tons of tourists. Mostly when I want to hang out in a big park, I head to Prospect Park — closer and quieter.

But Central Park is the first thing I loved about New York City as a kid. I had at least one Central Park-themed calendar along the way, and on visits to the city I would always want to visit. It’s just so BIG and after walking around the city, it’s so green. I loved the boulders every kid ever wants to scramble around on, even before they showed up in an episode of Doctor Who. My only memory from when my dad ran the NYC marathon is of waiting in Central Park for him when it was all over.

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