Tag: nyc (page 3 of 31)

Lillie’s Victorian Bar & Restaurant

So a couple weeks ago my friend and I were in the mood to see a show – we didn’t really care which show, as long as it was pretty cheap. We started talking about it on Wednesday night and bought our tickets on Thursday night… for Friday night. Spontaneous planning is not often my thing, but it worked this time: We used my HIPTIX Gold membership with Roundabout Theatre Company to get us two $25 floor seats to the Harold Pinter play, Old Times.

If you glanced back up at the subject for this post you have already realized that this is not a review for that play, because my two-line review would be, “Wow, that play was really weird – I’m glad it was only 65 minutes long. I still have no idea what actually happened.” So instead of trying to explain this play to you, I want to tell you about the gorgeous place my friend suggested we go afterward, where we spent a solid hour and a half discussing the play and trying to decide what it was about: Lillie’s Victorian Bar & Restaurant.

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Complexions ballet company at the Joyce Theater

Ballad Unto…, Photo by Bill Hebert / Courtesy of Dance Affiliates

Last week I shared a Q&A with Desmond Richardson, co-founder and partner for Complexions, a contemporary ballet company. On Tuesday night, I got to see Desmond and the company perform a wonderfully varied program. My prior exposure to contemporary (as opposed to classical) ballet was mostly limited to repeated viewings of the movie Center Stage, so this was a new experience for me, and I loved it.

I was offered two press tickets and so was able to bring one of my friends, who dances here in the city, with me to the performance, and it was wonderful to have someone knowledgeable to talk to about the pieces during the two intermissions. The performance ran about two-and-a-quarter hours, and the musical contrast between the various pieces kept everything moving.

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Complexions ballet — Q&A with Desmond Richardson

Desmond Richardson / Photo by Julieta Cervantes

I’m so excited to have been offered press tickets to attend the NYC 2015-2016 season opening night performance for Complexions, the renowned contemporary ballet company. Complexions will be performing three different programs at the Joyce Theater from November 17 through November 29 (tickets are available here). Program A, which I will get to see, includes three NYC premieres (Strum, set to songs by Metallica, Ballad Unto …, which features music by Johann Sebastian Bach, Cryin’ to Cry Out Loud, which draws on the music of renowned jazz singer Jimmy Scott), a world premiere (Imprint/Maya, a new work that pays tribute to Dr. Maya Angelou), and a restaging of a piece called Approximate Sonata.

I was given the opportunity to ask Desmond Richardson, co-founder and partner for Complexions, a few questions. In addition to these roles, Desmond will also be performing Imprint/Maya, a solo piece created for him.

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A bright spot

I’m not feeling very wordy this week – might be the fact that I still haven’t adjusted to the time change. The darkness at the end of the day is the worst, I feel like it’s time for bed hours before I should.

So forgive me if I keep this post short. Hopefully I’ll have more to say later on.

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Broadway Bites market — through November 13

One of my favorite things about NYC: how you can be wandering the streets and come upon something neat. A few weeks ago I was walking to the subway after my visit to the Morgan Library and I spotted this stretch of food stalls at Broadway and 33rd Street. It was a little wet outside because it had been raining, but there were still people enjoying the delicious things on sale at the various stalls.

There are so many people and organizations in New York and it means that every single day there are thousands of awesome things happening all over the city. It can lead to FOMO (one of the most annoying acronyms ever even if “fear of missing out” is something most of us have experienced) but it also means that on any given day, if you want to see or hear or eat or just be somewhere interesting, you can. And sometimes you’ll even end up there accidentally.

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Election Day 2015

It’s the first Tuesday in November, a.k.a. Election Day, and if you haven’t already, make sure you get out and vote! I’m wrapping up this post after waking up early to vote on my way to the gym — I’m hoping doing my civic duty will make me feel a little better about how early it is. At least it’s a gorgeous morning!

I get frustrated about politics all the time, but an election is the perfect time to remind myself that for change to happen, we all have to show up. There are bigger things we can do, but showing up to vote is a good start.

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