Tag: Harry Potter

Small Things that Made Me Smile

I’m fresh out of adventures to share today. Some year at this time I’ll write about the US Open, but I’d like to go again before I do since mostly what I can tell you about the time I went a few years ago is that my friend and I watched nine hours of tennis and all of it was awesome. When I get to go again, I’ll come up with something more interesting to say.

In the meantime, I’m going to steal a post idea from one of my favorite blogs. Erin over at Reading my Tea Leaves does a “My Week in Objects” series, which is always fun. Riffing on that, I’m giving you “Five Things that Made Me Smile This Week”. If this becomes a regular thing, it will need a less clunky title – suggestions are welcome.

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One foot in front of the other

Back at Thanksgiving, I posted a thank you to all the people in my life who are there for me and make my life wonderful. I’m lucky to have the support network I do, and as I said then, I am happy to be there for my friends in any way I can, and to tap into that support network for them, too.

It’s been a sad week. I think everyone was sad to hear about Robin Williams dying, which is what prompted this post, but I also heard that someone who was a good friend to my brother for a while passed away in a tragic accident this week, leaving behind a young family, and there was also the tragic accident on the race track. And there was the young black man shot by police in Missouri, and of course there’s everything going on in the Middle East.

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“Just Jim Dale”, or, a life story in ninety minutes

Look, this blog has been a little theater-heavy lately, I know. And I’ve got tickets to… three more shows in the coming weeks, so I can’t promise there won’t be more show posts. But, all of the shows I’m writing about should be relatively easy to get tickets for (at least compared to “Macbeth”and “Much Ado About Nothing”).

The one I want to tell you about today is called “Just Jim Dale”, it’s put on at the Laura Pels Theater through the Roundabout Theater Company (which means if you’re under 35, sign up for HIPTIX and you can get two tickets for $25 each), and it’s a one-man show.

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Daniel Radcliffe IS Harry Potter… in black leather

I’m a pretty big Harry Potter fan. I’ve done my share of dressing up for book or movie premieres, I have a Platform 9 ¾ sign in my living room that I got in high school, and I’ve read the series multiple times. So when I came across (on Twitter, I think) an opportunity to see Daniel Radcliffe in person, for free, I figured, “Why not?”
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