Tag: fall (page 1 of 2)

Broadway Bites market — through November 13

One of my favorite things about NYC: how you can be wandering the streets and come upon something neat. A few weeks ago I was walking to the subway after my visit to the Morgan Library and I spotted this stretch of food stalls at Broadway and 33rd Street. It was a little wet outside because it had been raining, but there were still people enjoying the delicious things on sale at the various stalls.

There are so many people and organizations in New York and it means that every single day there are thousands of awesome things happening all over the city. It can lead to FOMO (one of the most annoying acronyms ever even if “fear of missing out” is something most of us have experienced) but it also means that on any given day, if you want to see or hear or eat or just be somewhere interesting, you can. And sometimes you’ll even end up there accidentally.

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Prospect Park weekend

I didn’t get in enough park time over the summer. I was on the go too much to wander over to the park and meander down paths or sit in the grass. I had a picnic at one point, but it was a planned get-together with friends, not a spontaneous decision to get out and enjoy the summer weather.

And let’s be real — I’m not the biggest fan of real summer weather. Sitting in the park when it’s 85+ degrees out is only tolerable in the shade, and let’s forget taking a walk. So the best time to enjoy Prospect Park (and really? the best time of year, period) is fall. Not too hot, not too cold, and before long the leaves will be changing color.

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Top 5 reasons I know it’s fall (and a recipe)

5. The calendar told me so.
4. I wore jeans and a sweater to the park on Sunday and I was still a little cold.
3. My television shows are back.
2. I saw an actual pumpkin on someone’s front stoop.
1. I baked chocolate chip cookies from scratch for no reason on Saturday.

My apartment stayed fairly cool this whole summer (don’t ask me how, that wasn’t true the last two summers) but I still didn’t do much baking. When I did, it usually involved pre-made cookie dough that I’d bought to eat and then baked after convincing myself I really shouldn’t eat ALL of it. So when I got the urge on Saturday to bake, I picked up some supplies and whipped up the delicious chocolate chip cookies you see above.

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Ready for fall

I walked out of my apartment yesterday morning and it felt like fall. There was a freshness to the air that’s missing in summertime, and I breathed it in and thought, YES. I know this isn’t a popular reaction – people on the elevator at work are already bemoaning the fact that the coming of fall means the coming of winter – but I’m ready. After a summer of visits with friends and weekend trips and weddings and running around, I am ready for a slowdown. I know it’s a short one and that the holidays will be here very soon, but I’ll take what I can get.

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Pumpkin bread

Too busy tonight to do a real post because I’ve been baking! Brownies from a box and two loaves of pumpkin bread.

I adapted this recipe, since I didn’t have a few of the items listed and I’ve found that it definitely needs more spices than the original calls for! Ingredients list below. Preheat oven to 350 F, mix dry ingredients (except spices) first, add wet, mix, add spices. Bake in a greased pan for about 40 minutes, but check on it. Makes one 9 inch round loaf (in a cake pan). I usually double it and make two, since a can of pumpkin puree comes to just shy of double what this recipe calls for.

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October scary stories and Frankenstein

October is the time for scary stories. Halloween has a lot to do with it, all the way back to its roots in the celebration of Samhain by the Celts. But even without the spirits and specters associated with October 31, October would feel like a time for scary stories, at least here in the northeast.

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