My very first post on this blog, back in September 2013, was about sitting in Washington Square Park. It’s such a New York place in my mind, a mix of locals and tourists, a gathering place, a people-watching spot.

I was on my way to meet a friend who was in from out of town the other evening and had some time to spare, so I decided to cut through the park and see how everyone else was celebrating the spring weather. I’d brought my camera with me and even before I got to the park I was taking photos of cherry blossoms and tulips. They’re not just in the Botanic Garden, kids – you can find beautiful flowers on the streets of Manhattan, too!


When I made it to the park, there were a ton of people out and enjoying the sunshine. I started snapping pictures, trying to capture how blue the sky was and what a gorgeous, bright day we were having. Every bench had a person sitting on it, it was that nice.

Washington Square Park

And the fountain was on! I had to get a picture of it. It was the perfect moment, with the pink tulips in front and the sun off to the southwest, lighting up the sky and making the water glitter.

Washington Square Park fountain

From the north the fountain was much more subdued, less “filled with light” and more “evening is coming”. It was time for me to go.

Washington Square Park fountain 2

But before I slipped away and went to meet my friend, I took a few shots of the archway at the north end of Washington Square Park. It’s where Sally drops Harry off early in the movie ”When Harry Met Sally” and it’d be iconic even without that movie reference. But with that reference it becomes a symbol for the beginning of something special – the gateway to an interesting life in New York City.

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I haven’t been paying close attention to milestones on my blog lately, but coincidentally today I’ve been blogging for one year and eight months exactly. I still have a lot to learn, but that night that I sat in Washington Square Park and wrote was the beginning of something special, and my life in NYC has definitely been enriched because of it.

Thanks for hanging out with me!