It’s been a busy week for me and it’s thrown me off my writing schedule, so here I am, writing on a Friday because I have the day off from work and this is the first chance I’ve had to put fingers to keyboard since Monday. I’ve talked about taking advantage of life in NYC, and considering last week I saw two plays and this week I saw a lot of friends, I think I’ve done my part. But sometimes in this hectic city it’s also important to take a little time for myself. I’ve said before that quiet nights in are important, and so are catch up days, be it a summer Friday off or a Saturday with no plans.

Everyone needs catch up days, not just New Yorkers, but I think in New York it’s especially easy to get into the hustle bustle and try to keep moving – partly because we all know that when you stop moving, you either get sick or are left facing the vacuuming you haven’t done in weeks and other things that have fallen to the wayside. So on days like today I try to remind myself that while I do need to get some chores done, it’s also okay to sit and read for a while, or take a walk, or watch a movie.
And that’s why you are getting this very short entry. But as a consolation, enjoy that picture of a young elephant getting its tusk capped from my visit two weeks ago to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park.